Our MOOCs come in various shapes and sizes.

ICTIDCenter offers a wide range of Massive Online Open Courses, which are free short online courses (4 to 16 weeks), delivered in cooperation with reputable universities and lifelong-learning institutions from all over Europe  in non-formal learning settings.

Our MOOCs are highly interactive and often comprise multimedia material and interactive game-like environments.
ICTID Center`s MOOCs are free, yet with a good business potential 

eCredits and Degrees 

  • Upon completion of each of our MOOCs, we offer a Certificate, based on each learners achievements, measured during the course.
  • If the MOOC is completed via an EU-funded project, succeasful learner receive a EuroPass certification document.
  • A number of universities already exchange MOOC certificates for actual college credit. eCredits become increasingly valuable in the job market in Ireland and worldwide.

The ICT IDC organizes, supports and delivers free Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) with a number of partners and various thematic areas, aligned with our strategic eLearning programmes.
Our MOOCs are extremely powerful capacity development interventions, which facilitate scaling-up of quality learning experiences, to enable skills and competencies acquisition, for shaping more competitive professional profiles. All ICTITDC MOOCs are designed in modular manner, have a clear purpose, realistic objectives that are measurable, through knowledge tests and a final evaluation that certifies the acquisition of competencies.
Our MOOCs aim to give wide access to education worldwide, and to geographically dispersed and marginalized individuals and gender-biased communities. 

ICT&ID Center`s MOOCs

Advantages of MOOCs

  • MOOCs are low cost routes to accessing quality courses.
  • They can be combined with other study or work.
  • They are accessed from any computer at any location including your home.

MOOC pioneer Peter Norvig argues it is easier to achieve a one-on-one teaching experience online than in a crowded classroom.