In Ireland, initial teacher education programmes for primary and post-primary teachers are facilitated through a range of concurrent (undergraduate) and consecutive (postgraduate) programmes. Minimum entry requirements for programmes of initial teacher education are set by the Minister for Education and Skills, in consultation with the Teaching Council. 

Teacher Training and Professional Development

Teachers are of primary importance in learning in formal and non-formal education settings. The need to optimize their contribution has naturally been endorsed in Ireland and at European level as an educational policy priority.

The ICTIDC Teacher Training Academy works to improve education in general and teacher education in particular - improving professional development in training and education and raising the attractiveness of the teaching profession in Ireland and in Europe.

We offer customized support and services for schools and programs seeking support related to school design, curriculum assessment and instruction, program development and evaluation, and capacity building programs.

Take part in the courses of our Teacher Training Academy

We work on Teachers Professional Development by:

  • Balancing teacher training programs with a mix of subject knowledge, pedagogical education and teaching practice and integrate partnerships between schools providing formal and nonformal education in Europe.
  • Supporting a culture of collaboration and team-work.
  • Designing creative and innovative short-term teacher training programs focusing on practice and pedagogical skills development and improvement.
  • Increasing teacher collaboration by supporting networks, providing physical and virtual spaces, and developing a collaborative school culture between teachers, students and the wider community.
  • Including leadership training and collaborative-based approaches in teachers' professional development and learning, additionally reducing gender-specific barriers in Europe.

Our services cover but are not limited to:

Teaching Expertise and Teacher`s Leadership Skills

Professional development opportunities in leadership skills and teaching expertise for:

  • Governors and Trustees (e.g. board effectiveness, governance and system leadership)
  • Head Teachers (e.g. leadership dynamics)
  • Senior Leadership Teams (SLTs)
  • Teachers and Trainees (e.g. classroom management, child development & behaviour, managing work-life balance)
  • Subject Coordinators (e.g. on changing curriculum requirements).

Teacher Development Programs

Rigorous development programs to support Irish teachers to achieve Qualified Teacher Status and European teachers to gain credits

ICTID Center`s Teacher Training Academy offers a wide range of teacher training programs on the follwing main broad topics:

  • Mentoring trainees through the training process
  • Teaching cross-curricular skills
  • Teaching in multilingual and multicultural settings
  • Student career guidance and counselling
  • Teaching students with special educational needs
  • New technology in the workplace
  • Approaches to individualized learning

Consultancy, Research and Professional Assessment

We offer consultancy on the dynamics of the boardroom, staff room, classroom, playground and the school-as-a-whole, providing a flexible approach to consulting with schools and realizing a collaborative projects with of governors, senior managers and teachers, in order to develop and implement new emerging ideas, insights and practices in their spheres of responsibility. 

In addition, ICTID Center`s Teach Training Academy develops Research and Professional Assessment on educational issues in schools, across communities, age groups, genders, ethnic minorities, faith schools, special educational needs and disabilities, etc., by:

  • Identifying research questions and methods which produce the best results
  • Identifying sticky educational areas where better data is needed before attempting to solve the problem
  • Attracting funding for research projects
  • Attracting and training teachers in research methods and encouraging them to undertake research projects
  • Training school staff in reading results of research and embarking on implementation, monitoring and reviewing the implementation

The Teacher Training Academy at Irish Creative Training & Innovative Development Center prides itself on flexible and targeted provision of courses for those who teach or want to teach at formal or non-formal education institution in Ireland or abroad.

We are excited to announce a new online global competence education program designed to help educators incorporate project-based learning on global issues within their existing curriculum. While previously only accessible to European partner schools, the online program now brings this critical and relevant content to any educator around the world.

Our Teacher Training Courses are designed for those with a real passion for teaching and will show you how to transmit that passion directly to your students in the classroom arena while giving you the solid qualifying foundations you need to teach in this exciting sector. ICTIDC`s staff have years of teaching experience in schools, colleges, corporate training and staff development and with specific community groups. We have specialised expertise across a range of special needs learners, including those with behavioural challenges and dyslexia. There are very few challenges within teaching that our experts have not met before and they fully understand the demands on the modern practitioner.

The Teacher Training Academy at ICTIDC has access to a wide variety of speakers in specialist areas, who come to share their knowledge with our learners. You will hear from experts in such fields as Continuing Professional Development and Adult Learning, as well as professionals who support students and teaching like student finance and counselling experts.

We work closely with teaching institutions in Ireland and in Europe. The Teacher Training Academy at Irish Creative Training & Innovative Development Center is involving professionals who are fascinated by and passionate about teaching. We pride ourselves on the level of support we give to every student and are motivated by the pleasure and confidence our students gain from their success. These courses are literally life changing. Many of our students have spent years accumulating knowledge in their fields and our courses enable them to pass that knowledge on as expert teachers and trainers in this deeply satisfying sector.