People need maintenance and upgrades even more than machines do.
Retraining is maintenance.
Training is an upgrade.
Development is the next generation model.
‘Creativity extends right across all age-ranges, all levels of competence, all teaching contexts and all geographical regions. And it applies equally to teachers as well as learners.
Creativity is a universal, though its manifestations may be specific and local.’
– Alan Maley
Watch related webinar recordings:
Creating creative teachers - Marisa Canstantinides
Boosting Skills for Creative Teaching
There is a perception that some teachers are gifted with natural creativity, and the rest of us have to beg and borrow to obtain creative ideas. In the ICTIDC`s Teacher Training Academy we believe that truly creative teachers are not necessarily those specially gifted in creation but rather those who are masters at gleaning ideas from all kinds of sources.
In ICTID Center we seek to empower all teachers to use a dose of creativity to liven up the learning and therefore we are prepared to offer a set of ICTIDC tailor-made Creative Teaching Toolbox, addressing the learning needs of the teachers who would like to improve their creative teaching skills and boost their creative ideas.
Creativity is enjoying a resurgence of interest in the education systems of many developed countries. The core of this is the recognition that creativity, in its broadest sense that encompasses divergent thinking, problem-solving, and related abilities is a core skill in the 21c.
Our Approach to Creativity
In the ICTID Center we rather consider it more a phenomenon.
To us creativity is:
1) something new (or something old brought into a new context) and
2) something deemed valuable.
In addition, we look at creativity in education both from pedagogical and learning perspectives.
In ICTIDC we examine specific evidence from our work with teachers and trainers from formal and non-formal educational sectors, suggesting that this practitioner cohort is favourably primed and disposed to teach both for and with creativity.
We offer tools and training methods to boost creativity in school settings, offering specific advice for school teachers who are at the coal-face of creative education.
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Irish Creative Training and Innovative Development Center
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