The Irish CT&ID Center `s Code of Conduct
The Irish CT&ID Center `s Behaviour Code of Conduct enables staff, volunteers, interns and consultants to comply with our Child Protection Policy. By setting standards for appropriate behaviour it also protects people who come into contact with children from unfounded accusations of improper conduct.
The Code clarifies those unacceptable forms of behaviour which will result in a formal enquiry and which could lead to disciplinary measures being taken or criminal proceedings being instituted.
Additionally, the Code of Conduct gives guidance on the expected standards of behaviour of adults towards children, and also of children towards other children.
The Irish CT&ID Center `s Guidelines on Reporting Child and Youth Abuse
ICT IDC Statement of Consent for use of information and photos relating to
individual children and young people
Statement of Commitment to The Irish CT&ID Center Child and Youth Protection Policy
Child Protection Practices in Ireland
ICT IDC recognises the rights of all children and young people within our care to be protected from harm in accordance with the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child. Everyone has a responsibility and a role in protecting children and it is essential that we follow all practical and reasonable steps to counteract any risk to the children within our care.
Our child and youth protection mission is to create ‘child safe’ environments where all children and young people are respected, protected, empowered and active in their own protection; and where staff are skilled, confident, competent and well supported in meeting their protection responsibilities through clear policies, procedures and good practise.
People need maintenance and upgrades even more than machines do.
Retraining is maintenance.
Training is an upgrade.
Development is the next generation model.
Parties shall protect the child from all forms of physical or mental violence, injury or abuse, neglect, maltreatment or exploitation, including sexual abuse.
-UN Convention on the Rights of the Child (1989),
Article 19 1. Introduction
Parties shall protect the child from all forms of physical or mental violence, injury or abuse, neglect, maltreatment or exploitation, including sexual abuse.
-UN Convention on the Rights of the Child (1989),
Article 19 1. Introduction
The Irish Creative Training & Innovative Development Center makes a positive contribution to a strong and safe community and recognizes the right of every individual to stay safe. In this, we are guided by international agreements, such as the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child, legal protection afforded children and young people by the state, and by the professional demands of best practice.
The principal pieces of Irish legislation governing this policy could be found here.
We strive to ensure that all children and young people have the same protection regardless of age, disability, gender, racial heritage, religious belief, sexual orientation or identity. Our policy commits to anti-discriminatory practice and recognises the additional needs of children from minority ethnic groups and disabled children and the barriers they may face, especially around communication.
The Irish CT&ID Center comes into contact with children and vulnerable young adults through the following regulated* activities:
ICT IDC believes that our employees, and all those over whom we have any authority and influence, must demonstrate behaviour that is not simply consistent with protocols and legislation, but also with an appropriate set of personal and professional standards.
Child and youth protection is both an organizational and an individual responsibility.
At the Irish CT&ID Center we are committed to best practice in recruitment, to ensuring staff understanding of and commitment to child protection principles, and to advising our partners of our policies in this regard.
The Irish CT&ID Center `s Child and Youth Protection Policy outlines the safeguarding strategies that our staff and collaborators need to follow in order to ensure they act appropriately and confidently to protect the children we work with.
The Irish CT&ID Center `s Child and Youth Protection Policy seeks to identify and create a safer organisational culture in order to protect children and young people.
The best protection for children is prevention, and The Irish CT&ID Center is committed to protecting children.
* Regulated activity can be defined as ‘frequent contact’ with a vulnerable person (once a month or more) or as ‘intensive contact’ (3 days or more within a 30 day period)
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Irish Creative Training and Innovative Development Center
Magic Factory Web Design